These are the terms that govern your attendance at and/or participation in the IAG Academy IR Awards, whether as a guest, VIP, presenter, media or otherwise. By registering for and/or attending the Awards you are agreeing to these terms, which form a legal contract between Asgam Limited (doing business as “Inside Asian Gaming” and “IAG”) and the Awards attendee and/or participant (“you”). If you are registering on behalf of another person it is your responsibility to ensure that the person attending is aware of these terms and accepts them, and by completing the registration you are warranting that you have made the attendee aware of these terms and conditions and that they have accepted these terms and conditions.
Your ticket entitles you only to admittance to the Awards Gala Dinner. All other costs associated with your attendance (including without limitation any travel and/or accommodation expenses) shall be borne solely by you and IAG shall have not liability for such costs. We reserve the right to refuse admission to any person whom we consider in our absolute discretion to be unsuitable for admission to the Awards or to remove any person after the start of the Awards, with no refund of any fees paid or payable.
IAG reserves the right to modify or amend these terms and conditions at any time.
Assignment and sub-contracting
You shall not assign, delegate, sub-contract, transfer, charge or otherwise dispose of all or any of your rights and responsibilities in relation to the Awards without our prior written consent. Such consent shall not relieve you from any liability or obligation and you shall be responsible for the acts, omissions, defaults and/or negligence of your sub-contractors as fully as if they were your own.
You agree to conduct yourself in a polite, professional and appropriate manner while attending the Awards and related activities and abide by any directives of IAG or Awards staff or contractors, and abide by all laws relevant to the Awards. Any harassment of IAG, venue or Awards-related staff and/or contractors will not be tolerated and may lead to expulsion from the Awards.
Cancellation and substitution
We reserve the right to cancel the Awards at our sole discretion for any reason and at any time. In the event of such a cancellation, we will refund any fees paid, and we will use reasonable endeavours to notify you of such cancellation as soon as possible and with as minimal detrimental impact as possible.
Car parking
If you are using car parking facilities at the venue, you do so entirely at your own risk. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss and/or damage resulting from your use of such car parking facilities.
Dietary issues
You are responsible for any negative impacts from dietary intolerances or restrictions as a result of any food or drink consumed at or in connection with the Awards.
Data protection
Where you provide us with personal data of third parties, you warrant, represent and undertake that you have complied with all applicable data protection legislation in respect of such personal data, including obtaining all permissions, consents and approvals of data subjects to provide their personal data to us.
Dress code
The dress code for the IAG Academy IR Awards is black tie, or Barong Tagalog, or similar.
If any provision of these Terms or Conditions is held to be invalid or not enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or Arbiter, the relevant term is to be read down and severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the remaining provisions of these Terms or Conditions.
Fees and charges
All fees and charges are charged in US dollars and are immediately due and payable, non-refundable and subject to change. Fees do not cover any transport or accommodation expenses. If any fees due have not been paid before the commencement of the Awards, we reserve the right to cancel your ticket without warning at any time prior to or during the Awards. If we do not exercise our rights of cancellation, guests whose tickets have not been paid for by the start of the Awards may be required to pay on-site to gain entry.
Force majeure
We shall not be liable to you for any delay or failure to perform due to a natural disaster, actions or decrees of governmental bodies, communicable disease, epidemic, any curtailment to or cancellation of public transport, strikes or walkouts, acts or threats of terrorism or civil unrest, communications line failure or any other reason which (a) hinders, delays or prevents us in performing any of our obligations, (b) is beyond our control or without our fault or negligence, and (c) by the exercise of reasonable diligence we are unable to prevent or provide against (“Force Majeure Event”). In such circumstances, we shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time to perform. If the period of delay or non-performance continues for 30 or more calendar days, we may terminate all obligations and may or may not provide you with a refund, as appropriate in IAG’s sole and absolute discretion.
Delegates and speakers shall not conduct any type of function or independent event in the Awards venue or any participating hotel’s meeting rooms, public areas, hospitality suites, hotel rooms or suites without the prior written consent of IAG, which may be withheld in IAG’s sole and absolute discretion.
Governing law and disputes
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of the Philippines. Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Philippines. Any dispute under these Terms and Conditions shall first be attempted to be resolved by the good-faith and amicable negotiation of the relevant parties, and if not so possible, by Arbitration under the laws of the Philippines by a single impartial Arbiter.
Guest substitution
If a guest cannot attend the Awards, we are happy to accept a substitute guest without charge, subject to our approval of the substitute guest.
Health and safety
While onsite at the Awards, attendees agree to comply with all health and safety screenings, laws and regulations with regard to current public health guidelines. By attending the event in-person you acknowledge any associated health risks and assume all associated liabilities. IAG has the right to remove you from the event for any safety reasons or if you refuse any safety screenings or procedures, or appear to be ill and present a risk to the health of others as determined in IAG’s sole and absolute discretion.
It is the responsibility of attendees to arrange appropriate insurance they may desire in connection with their attendance at the Awards.
Intellectual property
Any and/or all IP in the Awards materials shall be the sole and exclusive property of IAG and/or the appropriate third party owner(s), if any, and you shall not acquire any rights in such Awards materials, including any developments or variations of them. Nothing in this Agreement grants you any IP rights in the Awards materials. You agree not to reproduce, sell, and/or copy (in whole or in part) the Awards materials or content, other than for purposes of personal post-Awards reference. If you would like to use the Awards materials for anything else, please contact us.
You shall fully and effectively indemnify and hold harmless IAG and any affiliated company or individual against all losses, actions, costs (including legal fees and disbursements on a lawyer/client basis), claims, demands, fines, damages and liabilities, of whatever nature, incurred or suffered by or made against us, whether or not foreseeable, arising directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, out of or in connection with any breach of these Terms and Conditions by you. We shall not, whether in contract, tort, negligence, statutory duty or otherwise, be liable to you for consequential, indirect or special damages including indirect loss of profit and indirect loss of revenue. Our maximum aggregate liability to you, whether arising in contract, tort, negligence, statutory duty or otherwise, shall not exceed the fees you paid to us for Awards tickets. IAG gives no warranties in respect of any aspect of the Awards, or any materials related thereto or offered at the Awards, and, to the fullest extent possible under the relevant law, disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness and merchantability. Neither IAG nor its affiliates shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs, damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the Awards or in connection with the Awards or any other aspect related thereto.
By attending the Awards, you acknowledge and agree to grant IAG the right at the Awards or associated or ancillary events, times, and locations to record, film, photograph or capture your likeness in any form of media and to distribute, broadcast, use or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to IAG includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use and/or disseminate the media, with IAG’s permission. The IP ownership of any video, still images or audio taken at the Awards (“Awards media”) shall be owned exclusively by IAG, irrespective of how it was created and by whom. IAG grants you a free license to publish such “Awards media” on personal or corporate social media accounts but such license may be withdrawn by IAG at any time. Such withdrawal may be accompanied by a  take-down notice which you agree will be complied with in no more than 48 hours. IAG may demand that you stop recording any “Awards media” at any time and if so you agree to do so.
Program changes
We reserve the right to make any changes to the Awards at any time without prior written notice. Such changes may include but are not limited to changing the program, name, themes, content, speakers, performers, hosts, guests, venue(s), date(s) or time(s).
If you bring any property to the Awards venue, you do so at your own risk. We are not responsible for any loss and/or damage to such property.
IAG or any affiliated entity shall be entitled to refer to you and/or your company as a client in sales and marketing literature, including websites, and, if you are a firm or company, or you register in your capacity as a representative, employee, or owner of a company, reproduce your company’s logo, trade mark or other branding collaterals for that purpose.
Social media
IAG allows delegates and speakers to make Awards-related posts on social media, but you agree that such posts shall be professional and appropriate and shall not constitute harassment or bullying of any other person.
You are responsible for making your own way to the venue for the Awards, and you shall remain liable for all payments under this agreement irrespective of any travel, accommodation, failure of transport or any reason why you are unable to attend the Awards. Should you travel to attend the Awards, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and are you are responsible for ensuring you adhere to all government requirements, health orders and restrictions. You acknowledge that by travelling at your own risk IAG will not be held liable for any additional costs or losses incurred due to changes in travel restrictions. This includes but is not limited to expenses and losses such as mandatory hotel quarantine, loss of business or business opportunity and extended accommodation requirements due to border closures. Any such costs and/or losses incurred or suffered are your responsibility.
Venue rules
You must comply with the rules and regulations governing the Awards venue.
Visa requirements
It is the sole responsibility of attendees to manage their visa requirements. If you require an entry visa, you must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. Your registration details may be shared with the immigration authorities to assist in the immigration process. To receive an invitation letter for the Awards, you must first register and pay all registration fees in full.
Any failure, delay, relaxation or indulgence on the part of IAG in exercising, in part or whole, any power, right or remedy as part of these Terms and Conditions does not constitute a waiver of that power, right or remedy.